Carlow Hearing

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What Are The Causes of Hearing Loss As We Age?

As we age, our risk of developing hearing loss increases. While there are many potential causes of hearing loss as we age, some are more common than others. One of the most common causes is changes in the inner ear, which can be caused by ageing or exposure to loud noises. Other common causes include health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure and medications like chemotherapy drugs. If you're concerned about your risk of developing hearing loss, talk to your doctor about what you can do to protect your ears.

Most Common Causes of Hearing Loss As We Age

Changes in the inner ear

One of the most common causes of hearing loss as we age is changes in the inner ear, which can be caused by ageing or exposure to loud noises. Ageing can cause changes in the inner ear, including the loss of hair cells. These cells are essential for hearing, and when they're lost, hearing impaired. You can take measures to prevent hearing loss, including wearing earplugs when exposed to loud noises and getting regular checkups from your doctor.

Exposure to loud noises

Exposure to loud noises is one of the leading causes of hearing loss as we age. The louder the noise, the greater the risk of permanent damage to your hearing. Prolonged exposure to even moderate noise levels can cause a gradual loss in your ability to hear high-frequency sounds. This can make it challenging to understand what people are saying and may eventually lead to total deafness.

There are several ways to protect yourself from noise-induced hearing loss.

  • First, be aware of the dangers of loud noises and take steps to avoid them whenever possible.

  • Second, wear ear protection when you know you will be exposed to loud sounds for an extended period.

  • Third, get your hearing checked regularly and seek treatment if you notice changes in your ability to hear sounds.

    Following these simple precautions can help preserve your hearing for years to come.

Health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure

Many health conditions can be the causes of hearing loss as we age. Some of the most common causes are related to our health. Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can damage our ears over time, leading to a gradual loss of hearing.

Other health conditions that can cause hearing loss include

  • Ear infections

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Tumours

Each of these conditions can cause damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve, leading to a permanent loss of hearing. If you experience sudden changes in your ability to hear, it is essential to see a doctor immediately and find out what might be causing the problem.

Medications like chemotherapy drugs

One of the leading causes of hearing loss as we age is medications, and chemotherapy drugs are among the worst offenders. Chemotherapy drugs attack all cells in the body, including healthy cells. They can cause damage to the delicate inner ear structures that are necessary for hearing.

The good news is that most people who experience hearing loss due to chemotherapy will eventually recover their hearing after discontinuing the drug. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential for hearing loss and to take appropriate precautions, like using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones when needed.

Protecting your ears from hearing loss

You can keep yourself safe from hearing loss with the help of the following tips;

  1. Use ear protection when participating in loud activities or working with noisy equipment.

  2. Keep the volume on your electronic devices to a minimum.

  3. Avoid listening to music at high volumes for extended periods.

  4. If you are experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss, seek medical attention.

  5. Get your hearing checked regularly, especially if you are over 60. If you are experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss, seek medical attention.

Final thoughts

As we age, several factors can lead to hearing loss. The most common causes of hearing loss as we age are related to health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and medications like chemotherapy drugs. 

Other health conditions that can damage the ears and lead to hearing loss include ear infections, autoimmune diseases, and tumours. It’s essential to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect your ears from potential damage. Following these simple precautions can help preserve your hearing for years to come.